stand out from the herd

meet 'hello america'


The craft / art business is rich in relationships with people that inspire us.  Shining example - our friends at ‘hello america’.  These talented, fiery youngins are raising money for their road-trip across the country to meet America. They are on a quest to make "An analogue photo documentary of the American road in 2014. Bringing a medium back to life that has been forfeited to the digital age.”  This project defines a little saying we like call ‘standing out from the herd’.



Meet Kristen the heart of this soulful project.  She has an amazing eye and a natural talent for capturing beauty.  But as much as I love her view of the world, I equally love her big heart.  She is one of the kindest and most talented humans around.


Kristen’s shares her big heart with her other love, Matt.  He is sailor of the sea and the lover of the open road.  His heart warming soul is meant to be free.



Kristen's sister ‘not by blood but by heart’ as Kristen calls it, Megan, will be her partner in crime on the open road.  




Running to her arms, this is Megan's other half, Josh.  Recently married, Megan and Josh Stewart are making this trip their honeymoon.  The union of these two red heads will make you laugh until your belly hurts. 



We are supporting these rad folk with donating this limit addition print (158/ 500)- featuring John Lennon and Yoko Ono. 


If you like this print, see more amazing prints >>> check out 

As I know I am not as talented a writer as the young Kristin Blanton, go read her words. You are sure to fall in love with this project. Go help these four young love birds reach their goal so we can watch this incredible journey unfold. 


All images are from the eye of the hello america folks.

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